Sunday, October 14, 2007
Your Scribe Orientation: Straight, Bi, Playing For the Other Team, Trannie, or Total Fetish Freak?
First: my apologies to all you late night Internet surfers out there with the tube of KY in your hand who were probably expecting this entry to serve quite a different purpose.

I'm talking WRITING orientation, people. Now get your minds out of the gutter and work with me here. (And be sure to wash your hands later.)

I remember my frustration at trying to find 'purely' TV writing sites and blogs when I first started researching, as the available information is heavily skewed towards the 'other team' of screenwriting. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) But as an aspiring TV writer, I assume the frustration was akin to being or something only to find yourself surrounded by people looking for Something Else That Night. So the purpose of this entry is a poll: are you a 'straight' all-or-nothing TV writer, do you 'play for the other team' over in the mega-huge screenwriting circles, are you bi (dabbling in a bit of both)? Or perhaps you're a trannie, switching from one format to the other after failure or frustration or a desire to try new things? Or hell, maybe you're an all out fetish freak and just can't get enough: TV scripts, screenplays, short stories, comic books, song lyrics...

I guess in these terms, since TV will always be my passion and first love, I'm straight, but I think a screenplay or two could be interesting, so I guess that makes me a bit bi-curious. Wow. I am so wild.

So what's your writing orientation? Say it loud and say it proud.
posted by Rhys at 12:31 AM | Permalink |