Wednesday, October 17, 2007
TV's Year Of Premature Ejaculation
That's right; I said it: something DIRTY! Hmm, going by this and the title of my last post, you'd think I was all sexual or something. Let's get that out of the way right now: I AIN'T GETTING ANY. FROM NOBODY. And that's your 'too much info' tidbit for the day.

But seriously: this is what I mean. I'm used to the curse of television's second season slump that happens to so many shows, but second EPISODE slump? What the hell is going on this season?!

So many new shows seemed so promising, many dashing out the starting gate in full, glorious victory with a win in clear sight, only to...fizzle out by the next episode, and get even...limper by the next.

I had a small glimmer of hope for Reaper's revitalization last night (which I'd long ago picked out as the certain hit of the season, just from reading the description) but that glimmer was small. Pushing Daisies continues to annoy me. (Just one punch to that narrator's face, is all I ask.) And Gossip Girl is walking a fine line. And so many more shows are suffering the same malady. And...damn it, shows! Get some form of TV Viagra pronto. Or Enzyte, whichever you prefer. PLEASE don't leave with a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am one episode tease with nothing but the wet spot to remember you by.

This year's TV season. This picture could've been SO much worse.
posted by Rhys at 8:13 PM | Permalink |