(This entry refers to things previously discussed on my personal blog. So there's info over there if you're at all intrigued. Sorry. But I wanted to let you know where I've been and that I have many writing/TV related entries to post here soon, I swear. )
Auuugh! You'll never guess where I've been for the last five days (including weekends.) Getting up at 3 to get to the place by 3:35...AM!!!....the place that makes hell look like a palace. That's right, the former workplace where HG held many a tryst. HG isn't there now (drug rehab) but the place is even worse. With people even worse than her in different ways. Yes, WORSE. My laws peeps, you would not believe.
I can't even keep my eyes open to type blog entries--these 14 hour days should last through the weekend than I'll be back to blogging more regularly--no, really...but I'll try to tell a tale of most of the assholes working there now.
It's just a temporary thing, through this weekend, but there's way more material than that, I can tell you. Unfortunately.
Also, I'm not getting paid for this. Nor do I want to. I'm helping out someone I care about who still works there on a HUGE project all the assholes refuse to help with. But hey, if you need me and you're my kind of people, I'll be there for you. Even if it means risking herpes infestation (and worse.) Oh, if you don't get the herpes reference you must be new here and really must browse the archives to catch up on HG tales. With crusty tails. Har har, I'm so tired that seemed funny even though it sucked. Rhys out. TTYS! I can't believe I'm back at that place...even for a week. You may want to pray for me.