Monday, October 29, 2007
Well...I Started
7 pages of the script written so far. It's so very hard to start at the beginning when everything you have in your head happens in the middle and the end of the episode. I never start at the beginning of stories, do you? I always start with the middle, move toward the end, then work in the beginning stuff and little slivers missing throughout the whole. Though to be most accurate, I always start with character. Character is everything. Plot is merely a function of the all important CHARACTER. It's like that with every genre I've ever written. What's your method?

I like the status bars some of you have on your blogs showing your script progress. I'd like to get me some of them thar bars. I've seen a few sources of code for them. Which do you use?

This entry is boring as all hell. I blame all the distractions going on around me right now. All the LOUD distractions. But hey, I STARTED. No matter how many times you do it, it never gets any easier does it, this starting thing?
posted by Rhys at 8:32 PM | Permalink |