Sunday, November 11, 2007
Effect Of WGA Strike On Disney/ABC Fellowship
Hi everyone! I'm way behind on my blogging and comment replying (so sorry, been away from the 'Net) but I found something I know a lot of you have been looking for so here's the 411 (or whatever the cool way is of saying that these days.)

Over the last few weeks, I've seen dozen of visitors coming to both this and my personal site through search terms having to do with the effect of the strike on the Holy Grail of Fellowships. I just found some info. a few minutes ago, thanks to Beckyloo of If A TV Falls In The Woods.' The entry is here. She's also promised to keep us updated with further 411.

Thanks for the info, Beckyloo, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
posted by Rhys at 8:15 PM | Permalink |