One of Emily's recent posts inspired me. Yet another mediocre movie is getting all sorts of overblown attention, perhaps generated in an attempt to glitter-coat the turd of mediocrity which is Hollywood's Biggest Plague right now.
Which led me to reflect upon the best movie of the year, and how I almost missed it because it played for a mere FOUR days in ONE town in an ENTIRE state. And I never saw one single ad.
No wonder so much brilliance is overlooked. I really hate Hollywood sometimes. Don't even get me STARTED on horror movies...damn Eli Roth you hack...okay...waiting for pulse to slow back down, breathing into paper bag...
Okay, I'm back. If you haven't seen Rocket Science yet, why the hell not? Don't you want to support great writing and directing and brilliant performances? (Especially that little Reese guy who is a tour de force in the main role of Hal. Kid's gotta hell of a future, even if he does spell his name weird.) If the writer doesn't win the Oscar this year, we can officially declare there to be No Justice in Hollywood. Which of course there isn't. It'll probably go to that crappy lion movie Emily talked about or one of the many 'war' movies whose false importance make me want to gag.
So here's a little something for you. The best movie of the year, along with my favorite new song of the year, all rolled up into one neat little video. I love the song's message. I love the movie's message. Oh my GOD when he got his pizza at the's those tiny moments than shine brighter than the biggest Hollywood special effect explosions.
Enjoy the video. Then go see the movie. Somehow.
cool song-- who is it?