Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Musings and Meme #2
I ain't lying, dudez. This strike has got a girl feeling down. I know it's hard on everyone, but do you know which group I feel the most for? Yep, the group I'm part of: the ones who haven't even made a footstep towards the sacred door of WGA admittance, despite the years of talent and hard work behind the journey.

This is NOT TO DISCOUNT the efforts and dedication of everyone out there, from the writers who just got their first jobs and now have to deal with this, or the wildly successful people who have ALREADY MADE IT and still haven't forgotten that truth and loyalty and fighting the fight are worth more than their millions...or at least thousands. This doesn't even discount the writers who DON'T support the strike, because of worry over taking care of themselves and their families. I understand everyone's point of view. It's a hell of a position to be in. The lovely Miss Kay Reindl recently did an entry on the pain that being a writer brings, always there with every success, and you should give it a read, here. And plus now I won't have to write an entry with that theme, since she said it so well.

Anyway, back to me, all about me. And all of you out there who are still trying to break in, and how these Dark Days make something almost impossible under the best of circumstances seem even further away. It's disheartening. But the one thing that perks me up is getting to meet you writers, all of you wonderful crazy people out there who I can only know on the Internet for now, since I'm nowhere near L.A. yet, and can't experience the balm of talking to you in the picket lines. I bet it helps a lot, those connections. But all I can do now is do what every writer ends up doing no matter what: returning to the keyboard and trying to make a connection.

And so, enough with the ruminating and on with the meme-ing. The first meme worked so well to bring so many writers together, that I want to continue that. And I DID promise 5 'Inspiration Memes' geared towards helping writing motivation and deepening the relationships between us lonely scribes, so continue we shall.

If you missed the first one (man was that fun) then please review this entry for the details on why it all started. And it's never too late to do the meme, if you think it will make you happy in any way.

And you may want to review this follow up entry on how the first meme went so well.

(By the way, since green is my main color scheme, I made my links that color. But do they blend in too much with the black text? Please let me know if they're hard to see and if I need to change the color or underline or something. Many thanks.)

Okay, seriously now, the meme. Inspiration Meme #2: Trailer Trash.

Have you ever seen a trailer for a movie and walked into a theater expecting something completely different than what you got? Or been completely misled by the blurb in TV Guide or the ads shown for your upcoming favorite TV show. (Gilmore Girls was notorious for that.) Or, has a trailer been so perfectly suited for a movie that it drew you in right away? Has a blurb/logline/episode summary/whateva you call it in your genre been RIGHT ON?

Well, here's the idea behind Trailer Trash.

1. Post 3 consecutive pages of any script you choose that you've written. It can be a completed project, something you're still working on, a movie, spec pilot, spec episode, whatever...as long as it's 3 consecutive pages. You must tell the title if it's an existing TV show. If it's a movie or spec pilot, revealing the title is up to you.

2. Tag 5 peeps to do the same.

3. Follow the meme around (it can be the people you tagged, the person who tagged you, someone's you stumbled upon) and after reading the pages, come up with a logline/episode summary you think fits and post it beneath the entry. Try to do this for at least 5 people.

4. After your own meme has gotten enough guesses, post the REAL summary/logline and see who got the closest.

This is a lot of fun. We get to experience each other's writing, maybe learn if we're going in a weird direction, and best of all, get new ideas. You'll be astounded at how helpful people's 'wrong guesses' are...they can break you out of a rut, solve a script problem you've been having, or give you a completely new idea you'll be all fired up to work on. It'll be fun. Really.

Oh, and no whining that this sounds complicated. There was a lot of that in the last meme, and everyone did a brilliant job, so save it, writers. You ain't fooling anyone with that dumb act. Now, go find those 3 pages...and then start the guessing game.

My 3 pages will be posted below this entry. (Don't blame me if Blogger screws up the format. Yup...format definitely screwed.) Have fun and I can't wait to read and guess!

(Oh yeah, I tag Patrick, Lisa, Kay, Julie, and MaryAn to start this one.)

3 pages from a spec episode of Ugly Betty, chosen at random:

Eh, it was because he’s the drama teacher’s pet. Just like you're Miss Landry’s.

(smiling) I’m not her pet.

Whatever. It’s disgusting. She’d probably marry you if she wouldn’t be thrown in jail and have her life made into some crappy Lifetime movie.

Lifetime movies are NOT crappy!

Whatever. She looooves you.

It’s exhausting, being your Henry Higgins.

Someone has to do it. How’s the song going?

Okay. I got in some practice time while you were eating dinner.

I promised your mom I’d get a video of you. Too bad your dad can’t see it.

My dad only told me twice in my entire life that he was proud of me. Once when I stuck up for my mom and got into a fight at school, and once when he found out I’d be the lead in West Side Story.

My mom’s never said she’s proud of me. Nobody’s ever said that to me. Oh well. If it took two decent parents to turn out okay, this world would be way more screwed up than it already is. I assume you don’t have a date for the dance?

I don’t have time for romantic entanglements. My art is my life.

Good. Then you can take me.

That wasn’t part of the deal.

I don’t care. You’re going to sing anyway, and there’s no way the Queen can come unescorted. And I’ll be with the best dressed man there. Besides, the queen gets first choice in picking her dancing partner after she’s crowned and you better be there for me.

Fine. I’m too tired to fight.

I like that in a man.

So what does your room look like? Black paint and chains?

If you laugh I’ll kill you.

Too tired to laugh.

Unicorns. It’s a unicorn theme. They’re everywhere.

Now I’ve heard everything.

The legends of unicorns are fascinating. Never has a more powerful or beautiful creature ever existed. Did you know it’s impossible for even the mightiest hunter to capture a unicorn? They can’t be taken by force. Only a beautiful maiden--that means virgin--can catch a unicorn. A beautiful maiden sits alone in a field, and a unicorn will come right up to her and lay its head in her lap. Isn’t that beautiful?

Well, maybe you’ll catch a unicorn at the dance.

(snickering) Jennifer couldn’t, if you know what I mean.

What? (stunned out of his exhaustion) No way! Already?

Yep. I think it’s sad. It’s always about sex now. In eighties movies, it’s almost always about the first kiss. That was the ultimate. Maybe that’s why I love those movies so much. I want my first kiss to be like that...with somebody sweet, in the moonlight. Perfect.

Why Serendipity, you’re becoming almost human. Stop it. It’s making me uncomfortable.

(laughs) Tell me a secret.


It seems like a good secret-telling moment.

You go first.

Okay. My biggest secret is...I’m afraid my mother really doesn’t love me.

I’m afraid nobody except my mother will ever really love me.

Well, we make a fine pair, don’t we?

Yeah, we totally suck.
posted by Rhys at 4:15 PM | Permalink |


  • At 11/13/07, 5:33 PM, Blogger MaryAn Batchellor

    Fun game! But (ahem, and I'm not whining) could we postpone it until after the strike? The timing of us putting our unpublished work out on the open internet is kind of bad. If this were an exchange forum like Zoetrope or Triggerstreet that would be different, but on an open blog, we could be accused of... um... well...promoting ourselves in an attempt to draw the attention of somebody who needs writers...

    I KNOW! I KNOW! That's not what we're doing. I'm just saying...

    Whatcha think?

  • At 11/13/07, 7:18 PM, Blogger ~Macarena~

    If that's a problem, you could send the pages via e-mail and then post just the summaries. Of course, only those in the loop will know whether any of it made sense/came close, but what the hell?

    Damn, how can get paid to give unsolicited advice? There's a reality show in there, yeah? And you know they inexplicably have writers, even when there's no narration.

    The links are very light, and that sometimes makes them recognizable. Which is a shame, because green is good. Can you make it the color of the bullets? What does it look like bold?

  • At 11/13/07, 11:59 PM, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio

    Wow, I'm the only dude you picked. I am honored.

    I'll get to work.

  • At 11/14/07, 12:36 AM, Blogger Rhys

    That's cuz you're DA MAN, Patrick! Awesome, can't wait to read it.

  • At 11/14/07, 12:40 AM, Blogger Rhys

    Hi MaryAn! I never thought of that, but I certainly understand if you'd be more comfortable waiting.

    I don't think there's anything to worry about for many reasons, including that it's an exchange between writers and no 'advertising' involved, and of course, everyone's blogs already contain so much writing and even ads for that writing, that simply HAVING a blog could be considered promotion along that vein.

    But thanks for bringing that up, and I look forward to reading yours if/when you feel comfortable posting it. :)

  • At 11/14/07, 12:44 AM, Blogger Rhys

    G-Mac, you are THE advice goddess. And a goddess in so many other areas of course...hence the G-Mac moniker and all. You should totally publish a column and charge for it. Even my broke-ass self would shill out for that one.

    THANK YOU for bringing up that point about reality TV...it's been driving me crazy in its complete lack of logic. Of course reality TV has writers...who else thinks up the ideas, pitches the shows, comes up with the challenges, and edits dialogue? Writers! I don't get why reality TV is excluded in this whole thing. It's beyond annoying, the lack of logic.

    Thanks for the links feedback! I do love me some green, but all shades seem to blend too closely with black and the gold is too light, so I'm not sure what to do. Underline, maybe? Green 4evah!

  • At 11/15/07, 12:28 AM, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio

    Can mine be bling-colored?

    by the way, I liked your scene a lot.

  • At 11/15/07, 4:15 PM, Blogger Julie O'Hora

    Cool idea, but I'm afraid I can't participate. Have fun with it -- tag me with the next one, if it doesn't involve posting pages. Thanks!

  • At 11/16/07, 9:31 AM, Blogger Rhys

    Cool, Julie. I'll get you on the next one.! :) p.s. Love the red shirt. :)

  • At 11/16/07, 9:32 AM, Blogger Rhys

    Glad you liked it, Patrick! :) Well OF COURSE yours can be bling colored...as soo as I turn cool enough to find out what that is... :)

    I know you're a mega talented screenwriter and all, but what are your fave TV shows?

  • At 11/17/07, 7:40 PM, Blogger ~Macarena~

    I was told "reality" writers aren't in the WGA. Perhaps so they can keep working! My latest theory is that all the Joe Americans featured on those shows are actually actors and that none of it is real.

    It's not fair if you can't accept work, because this may be your only chance. To me, scabs are replacements. New or supplementary work shouldn't count. Only if you're fired when the striking writer comes back are you a scab, because there's only one position and the bosses want that person back. Like the awesome women who were fired by sexist bosses after WWII. This is why I need to rule the world!

    Are you attached to this color scheme? It's rather tame. Are you stuck with these colors from which to choose a link color? I am thinking magenta would be nice. Redrum red? The bold black contrasts nicely, though.

  • At 11/20/07, 10:04 AM, Blogger Rhys

    You intrigue me with the blood red, Miss Macarena. Hmmm.....

    And yes, I thought we had settled this ruling the world obligation of yours. Get crackin'!

  • At 11/26/07, 11:29 PM, Blogger Patrick J. Rodio

    Reaper. Lost. Dirty Jobs. 30 Rock. The Office. Scrubs. Weeds. Bones. October Road (I like the peeps involved, plus it rips off almost scene-by- scene a script I wrote in 2000 called 20 Seconds In Dullville), but anyway, yes, I like it. Also, I like Bionic Woman and Dexter. YOU?